• (231) 264-6612
  • Post Office Box 309 | Kewadin, MI 49648
  • 7023 Cherry St. | Kewadin, MI 49648

Appointed Officials & District Library Trustees


Amy Jenema

Milton Township’s assessor is Amy Jenema; she maintains office hours at the Township Hall on Wednesdays.  Amy can assist you with questions pertaining to assessing, taxes and the Land Division Act.

Amy is required to maintain the assessing records, which includes, annual assessments and taxable values, maintenance of the name, address, legal descriptions and Principle Residence Exemption information of each property in the township. She makes inspections of properties to continually develop accurate assessing records.

There are various reasons that your assessed and taxable values can increase. The assessed value represents 50% of the value of the property and has no limit in which it can increase. Some of the reasons that an assessed value can increase are because of improvements made to the property and general market increases. Taxable values are capped at rate of inflation increases or 5%, whichever is less, unless there are improvements made to the property or a transfer of ownership occurs. Please reference the Proposal A page for further information.

Office Hours: Wednesday 8:30 am – 4:00 pm

Work: (231) 264-6696
Fax: 231-264-6728
Email: assessoramy@gmail.com

Proposal A Information | Guidelines for Property Tax Exemption | Note to Assessors for Land Division

For all forms and applications, click here


Sara Kopriva, Zoning Administrator
Jackie Petersen, Zoning Assistant

Office Hours: Monday &  Wednesday  9:00 am – noon; or by appointment
Fax: 231-264-6728


Sara is responsible for the overall administration and enforcement of the zoning ordinance.  She issues the appropriate land use permits when all provisions of the ordinance are in compliance and maintains a complete file of permits issued.  She attends all planning commission and zoning board meetings, as needed, to report on zoning issues and advise on issues related to zoning administration.

For all forms and applications, click here